Thank's a lot Civileme,

it really works ok now. But I don't understant why the same distribution
works in some machines but in mine no. I have instaled "the same" cd in
and I haven't have the problem. Maybe the kfm maintainer would try to see
it. I don't know. Otherwise you have resold a problem that have been
breaking my mind during a lot of time.

Civileme ha escrit:

> If you use linuxconf or if you look in your /etc/fstab you will
> see a line like this
> /dev/hda1  /somemt_pt vfat user,exec,...,conv=auto,...  0 0
> It is this conv=auto that does it.  You can "free" kfm by looking
> in windows and its subdirectories and deleting all the little
> files called ".directory".  conv=auto confuses kfm.  PUT
> conv=binary explicitly into the /etc/fstab line and all will be
> ok.
> Civileme
> P.S.  If corel or SuSE have the conv=auto, you can duplicate the
> error with them by DRAGGING a directory with a non-zero number of
> files in it (at least one real text file with more than one line)
> from linux to windows.
> Remember that if it is done on networks, it may occur on
> your host which is a network unto itself.
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Leopold Palomo

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