Tom Berkley wrote:

> Nope. Mine does not do that at all. Looked in ~/nsmail and the Trash
> file became zero length after I emptied the trash for local mail. 
> My version: netscape-128-common-4.72-1mdk
>             netscape-128-communicator-4.72-1mdk
> Tom
> Craig Woods wrote:
> > 
> > I just noticed a "buggy" aspect, yes another one, in Netscape. I was
> > wondering if someone has seen it, and maybe has a fix. The "bug" occurs
> > when you delete your email from the trash bin. It is not deleted off
> > your harddrive. It seems that all you do, by deleting in the mozilla
> > trash bin, is delete the email subject line. The total disk usage stays
> > untouch after you delete in the trash bin. I ran a "ls -ls" and a "du"
> > before and after deleting from inside the GUI. I see no change. Yes, I
> > can do a "rm" but what concerns me is the inbox continues to grow, and
> > even after highlighting unwanted mail, and sending it to the trash bin,
> > it does not diminish the inbox's disk usage. I am smoking Windows or
> > what??
> > 
> > Craig
What you have to do is "File->Compact All Folders" to actually delete
it from disk.

Best regards,

Stig-?rjan Smelror

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