Trash the internal DSL. I have not used it but my son has and he was not
able to get it to work properly with linux even with a lot of tech
support from cisco and US West. Swap it for an external model.


Ian Hogan wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to get my DSL connection to work under Mandrake 7, and am having
> some troubles. If anyone has any insight, I would be very grateful.
> Pertinant details are below. Thanks for any help you can provide,
> ian
> The gist: I have a Cisco 605 Internal DSL modem. I guess it's technically a
> bridged ethernet router, but they call it a modem anyways. When linux boots,
> the light on the card never comes on, leading me to believe the device is
> never recognized. I have a static IP from my ISP and USWest, and under
> windows, TCP/IP is the only protocol installed.
> The Mandrake installation process seems to have tried to deem it an isdn
> device, as looking at the bootlog gives a lot of isdn4linux issues. Under
> netcfg, I tried to create an entry for eth0, which netcfg has no problems
> with, but error messages under boot-up and shutdown indicate that "no ne
> device found".
> If I 'cat /proc/net/dev' the only network device is loopback.
> Under Windows 98 (hopefully I'm not committing faux pas by mentioning it),
> the modem/router appears as following:
> PCI ADSL Adapter Driver for 1483 Bridging
> IRQ = 11
> I/O Range = 1400 - 14FF
> Looking under KDE Control Center -> Information -> PCI, I get the following
> info for my modem, which leads me to believe that linux at least knows about
> it:
> Bus 0, device 15, function 0:
>   ATM network controller, unknown vendor, unknown device(rev 1).
>   vendor id=12ce. Device id=1.
>   Slow devsel, Fast back-to-back capable. IRQ 11.
>   Master capable latency =  64. Min Gnt = 5. Max Lat = 21
>   I/O at 0x1800 [0x1801]
>   Non-prefetchable memory at <long memory string>
> As I've probably already demonstrated, I'm a bit out of my league trying to
> figure out next steps. If anyone has any thoughts or insights, I'd be
> forever grateful. If all else fails, I can always buy an external DSL modem
> and then hook in with my 3com nic, but I'd hate to have to spend another
> $150 to achieve the same functionality. Thanks for reading,
> ian

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