On Sun, 2 Apr 2000, John Kofinas wrote:

> I use rdate once in a while to set my computers clock, but that is a manual
> approach. Is there any automated approach to this?
> Thanks 
> John

Get the ntp-4.0.99g  package from cooker (i think the current release is
still buggy, configuration files are being bzipped by accident [Mandrake
team, are you listening?] so you may want to see if there is an older
package available) and then add an NTP server to your /etc/ntp.conf
The line I use is "Server clock.uregina.ca" , there's a list of servers
somewhere, sorry I don't have it off hand. Anyhow enabling this daemon
will make your ocmputer automatically sync clocks with this server. Works
great for me.

-Gary Simmons

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