Trevor Farrell wrote:
> "Alan N." wrote:
> > Richard Bonebrake wrote:
> > >
> > > I am trying to get my home network working with ip
> > > masq. I have this
> > > working on my system with win98 and with OS/2 I
> > > normally connect with
> > > OS/2 and work my Win98 machine through it to my
> > > ISP. I do my Palm pilot
> > > through my win98 machine to my os2 machine to my
> > > isp. I am totally lost
> > > with Linux to do this. I have printed out the IP
> > > Masq. HOWTO and now
> > > know even less then before I read it. Is there a
> > > simple program or setup
> > > I can use so these 3 machines can connect to my ISp
> > > again. I have tried several questions in newbie and gotten no answers. I
> > > am by no means an expert and need simple suggestions or directions.
> > > Thanks for any help you can give.
> >
> > Try PMfirewall.. ( find it on freshmeat ).
> >
> > Run it, install it.. When it asks for machines with unrestricted use put
> > the ip in of the machines you wish to masq.  It will also later ask you
> > if you want ipmasq ( or forwarding enabled. ) answer yes.
> >
> > This is easy.
> >
> > --
> > ================================================================
> > Coming to you from RedHat 6.2 and/or BeOS 5
> > ===============================================================
> If all you want is masquerading, Linux does it with no added exras. Just:
Sure it does. And I've run it that way until I came across PMFirewall.

Let's you masq and firewall with an easy to answer y/n install.

No editing files, no rc.local editing..

I think this is the *easiest* thing I've every installed in linux except

Coming to you from RedHat 6.2 and/or BeOS 5 

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