On Fri, Apr 07, 2000 at 05:58:47PM -0600, Sheldon Lee Wen wrote:
-> I had the same problem with an isp that assigned me an invalid
-> hostname on connection. If I opened an xterm before I dialed
-> and then once connected used the xterm to set my hostname back to
-> what it was then everything "unfroze." Wierd I know.
-> Civileme wrote:
-> > 
-> > Stephen F. Bosch wrote:
-> > >
-> > > Okay, my turn to ask questions:
-> > >
-> > > I am setting up a machine for someone else who will only have dialup
-> > > access to the internet. I have managed to configure the modem without
-> > > any trouble; kppp can dial in, connect, and authenticate, and I can even
-> > >
-> > > surf and ping and all that good stuff.
-> > >
-> > > Here's the *strange* part:
-> > >
-> > > Once connected, I can't *open* anything. Nix. Nada. I can't open
-> > > anything on the Kpanel, I can't open apps from the Kmenu... the system
-> > > is paralyzed. All I can do, it seems, is disconnect kppp.
-> > >
-> > > No error messages of any kind.
-> > >
-> > > If I have Netscape open when I connect, I can surf normally. If I don't
-> > > have Netscape open, I'm SOL -- because it won't open.
-> > >
-> > > After I disconnect -- bingo, I can open apps again.

Bingo! Not weird at all.

X is designed to work across a network. You can run X om machine A, then
log into machine B. On A you can tell X to serve as display for B (xhost
B). On B you can tell it to use A as its display (export
DISPLAY=A:0.0). Then you can run X apps on B and have them display on A. I
use that to administer my server, a 486 with 16 MB of physical memory.

Something is wrong with your X setup. The server should be listening as
localhost, not your host name. Clients should be using localhost for
their displays, not the host name.

I just checked my system. I have the same problem.

ccurley@charlesc $ echo $DISPLAY

Of course, your ISP probably should not be assigning you a hostname

Anyone know enough about X to tell us how to correct this?


                -- C^2

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