Snifit might be a problem though, I know from personal experience that packet
sniffers might be frowned upon on by your school's network administrator.  You
could try ippl which should be on linuxberg somewhere, probably freshmeat as
well or try iplog which should also be on freshmeat.  

After that, you might try creating a start up script for it.  It was actually
alot easier than I though it would be, take one of the previous start up
scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d/, create a new one and copy one of the old ones. 
Then just replace the old program witrh the new one that you're starting up.


On Sun, 09 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> On Sun, 09 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> > Quick question to ask if anyone knows of any utilities that will watch your
> > network activity.  I have a full time connection through my Universities
> > internet server and am obviously open to some problems.  What I am looking for
> > is a package that will let me know if anyone tries to get access to my stuff.
> > 
> Find a package called "sniffit."
>       John

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