Jean-Louis Debert wrote:
> Seems that YOU don't get it: this list is named EXPERT and is
> supposed to be used by persons reasonably fluent with linux
> use & config.
> For beginners there is ANOTHER list, in fact there are several
> as there are language-specific versions.
> So, my point is that beginners DON'T BELONG HERE ... or at least
> they should avoid to advertise themselves with LOUD messages.

I didn't say I am a novice user, I use LiNUX for about 5 years and even
contributed to some
kernel code so don't you novice me...:))

What I meant is that novice users use the distro too, and they are not
so smart in figuring out,
what is not working correctly...And that is...

Bye, Alen
*    E-Mail: Alen Salamun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    *
*       LiNUX - The choice of GNU Generation!       *

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