Sorry, but yet another opinion....

I find that a good operating system has a reason for everything and when I
finally understand the O/S, I agree with the reasons. This has been true of
AOS/VS (ok, anybody remember that one?), O/S-9, CPM, RSTS, VM, MVS,
Unix/XENIX/Linux and others. The O/S that resembles a Kommitee Kludge and is
supposed to be easy to configure is the one I never seem to agree with its
conventions. But maybe after all these years I just don't understand NT yet.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Hodgers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 2:59 AM
Subject: [expert] Can't install KNEWS, and an opinion

Now my opinion
I am a programmer writing Accounting software for the Windows platform
using Visual Basic.
One of my REQUIRED tasks is assuring that the program will load on ANY
Windows machine 
meeting the required hardware, using either Win95 or Win98. ANY required
libraries MUST be 
included to assure this. In the Linux, it is quite common to find that you
must go out onto 
the net and search for and load many required libraries, sometimes even
those won't install
until other files are obtained. Why not provide a COMPLETE package for
those that need it?
All the required dependency stuff it GPLed so all you would need to do is
acknowledge the 
sources. This seems to be a matter of some heated feelings with some
developers, in fact
I was thoroughly chewed out by one developer whose program I still can't
As long as Linux continues to have these niggling issues it will remain out
of the 
range of most users.

PS I know! Visual Basic, ugg, yeck, boo hiss! It gets the job done and pays
the bills.

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