On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> And is it no fairly common in the W-nn world to find that a new
> product has just installed an incompatible version of one of the
> standard DLLs? VBRUN300.DLL appears with virtually every package you
> install.
> And, according to an article about this very issue in the late
> lamented Byte, MS doesn't even use version numbers in its libraries
> properly, sometimes chaging the code but not the number, sometimes
> vice-versa. 
And you think M$ is bad about it??? Try AOHell. I'm told
they make something like 300 registry changes (I'm sure
some of those are adding stuff specific to their product,
but...) and AOL 5 is generally incompatible with any other
internet provider! Makes me VERY glad that AOL isn't
available for Linux!!! They make so many changes and put
their own proprietary stuff in over the already proprietary
M$ stuff that it REALLY screws up Windows worse than it
already was! :-)

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