If you do "supermount disable", it should re-write the /etc/fstab file
to get rid of the supermount.  Indeed, that's the only thing that
supermount really does, so if it doesn't do this, there's not much point
to the exercise.

Are you running supermount as root?

I'd try changing fstab by hand; you want it to look like this:

/dev/fd0     /mnt/floppy      auto noauto,user        0 0

See if that will fix you up.

vern wrote:
> Okay here goes, I don't see any difference!
> I  issued the command supermount disable,
> do I have to go into /etc/fstab and edit out
> supermount??  In the command line I tried
> all the mount/umount /dev/fd0, /mnt/floppy
> still can't read the floppy.  I did get an  I/O
> error trying to enter the /mnt/floppy file.
> But none of the above ever activates the
> drive so it's not a media, or file system
> problem.  Any ideas?
> Vern
> On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> > Well, with that file (supermount enabled) mount /dev/fd0 is invalid,
> > but should also be unnecessary.
> >
> > With suprmount disabled, though, it should work.
> >
> > Maybe you could also post your  /etc/fstab with supermount disabled as
> > well?
> >
> >
> > vern wrote:
> > >
> > > This is spooky!  I no longer have the ability
> > > to read my floppy.  It worked for almost 2 days
> > > after installing Mdk 7.0-2.  I tried to mount the
> > > /dev/fd0 and got the reading not found in my
> > > fstab or mtab (see attached) looks like they are
> > > there to me. Any ideas?  I've also tried supermount
> > > enable and  disable no change.
> > > Thanks for reading this!
> > > Vern
> > > PS.  The IDE CDROM works after I told it that it
> > > was a scis (scuzzy)!  :-)
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>             Name: fstab
>    fstab    Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
>         Encoding: base64

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