I'm having some serious problems with apache and they just started

In my error_log file I keep getting:

httpd: exec of /bin/sh failed, reason: Permission denied (errno = 13)

In a SSI file (banner.shtml).  It won't run any of my other CGI scripts
either, nor will PHP include statements work either.  Does anyone know
what might be going on here?  It was all working yesterday and now it
isn't and I haven't touched anything.  I'm extremely confused as to why
this won't work!

For the PHP3 includes, if it's a local file
(ie. include("/home/httpd/html/text/footer.txt");) it works fine, but if
it's something like include("http://bla.bla/whatever.php3"); it doesn't
work anymore.  I'm seriously confused here.  I think it's a permission
problem, but I don't understand why it hasn't happened before
then.  Everything is owned by root.root and the pages come up ok if I view
them by themselves, but as includes they don't work anymore.

I'm using the latest AES RPMs.  Help!

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