It looks like a SuExec problem. Either remove apache-suexec or chown
nobody.nobody these files.

Give me some news!

Jean-Michel Dault

On Mon, 17 Apr 2000, Vincent Danen wrote:

> Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 09:13:09 -0600 (MDT)
> From: Vincent Danen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Linux Mandrake Expert Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [expert] apache help needed!!!
> I'm having some serious problems with apache and they just started
> today...
> In my error_log file I keep getting:
> httpd: exec of /bin/sh failed, reason: Permission denied (errno = 13)
> In a SSI file (banner.shtml).  It won't run any of my other CGI scripts
> either, nor will PHP include statements work either.  Does anyone know
> what might be going on here?  It was all working yesterday and now it
> isn't and I haven't touched anything.  I'm extremely confused as to why
> this won't work!
> For the PHP3 includes, if it's a local file
> (ie. include("/home/httpd/html/text/footer.txt");) it works fine, but if
> it's something like include("http://bla.bla/whatever.php3"); it doesn't
> work anymore.  I'm seriously confused here.  I think it's a permission
> problem, but I don't understand why it hasn't happened before
> then.  Everything is owned by root.root and the pages come up ok if I view
> them by themselves, but as includes they don't work anymore.
> I'm using the latest AES RPMs.  Help!
> -- 
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