Kirk McElhearn wrote:

> On 16/04/00 23:11, Andrew George [EMAIL PROTECTED] is reported to
> have said:
> >/boot/vmlinuz is a symlink to the real kernel file, I noticed both your linux
> >distributons in LILO.conf pointed to it so I was wondering if the symlink had
> >been removed somehow so lilo didn't know where to find the real Kernel
> Isn't it checking for this symlink in the HD that is specified for each
> boot setup?
> In any case, it still tells me No images have been defined....
> Kirk

If the /boot/vmlinuz symlink doesn't work with Lilo, then simply enter the full
name of the kernel to boot with, e.g., /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.2-x

Besides, even if the plain, general, vmlinuz, symlink worked, it'ld still be
better to specify the entire kernel image name, because, then, when you work on
reconfiguring the lilo.conf file using some tool, or even directly, you
explicitly know what you're dealing with.  Hence, regardless of whether a symlink
like this did work, it shouldn't be used for this purpose, imo.


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