I'm afraid we've all noticed this.  FWIW, I tried them with Netscape 6,
Preview 1, and they are ok there -- though you can't actually play some
of those games 'cause it claims you lack Java support; my guess is that
they have a hard-coded browser check.

Russell Sutherland wrote:
> [This must  be a FAQ but I have not been able to find the answer]
> Environment:
>         $ uname -a
>         Linux joefox 2.2.14-15mdk #1 Tue Jan 4 22:24:20 CET 2000 i686 unknown
>         $ rpm -qa | grep  -i netscape
>         netscape-common-4.70-6mdk
>         netscape-communicator-4.70-6mdk
>         netscape-navigator-4.70-6mdk
> I've met up with an occurence that makes surfing the
> net in linux something that seems like it needs to
> be worked on a bit. Perhaps there is something wrong
> with my current version of netscape, and perhaps
> there is something wrong with my configuration, but
> perhaps the linux netscape is just plain broken. I
> thought that by describing the problem I might be
> able to ask people more knowledgeable than myself
> which one of these was in fact true.
> I find that when I visit sites that use java applets
> for example:
> http://www.pogo.com
> http://www.soda.co.uk
> things seem functional for a short period of time
> (this time period varies slightly, I have never been
> able to get through an entire game of chess though)
> but then they freeze up. At this point, moving the
> netscape windows causes everything in them to become
> a uniform colour, and they can no longer be closed
> using the "x" in the corner. The only way to get rid
> of them is to kill -9 their pid. Has anyone else
> experienced this problem or is anyone informed of
> what the problem might be?
> Thanks
> --
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"Brian, the man from babble-on"                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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