Pj wrote:
> I installed "Air" Power Pack tonight with the help of a L-M guru. We ran
> into some weird things while trying to install the video card. This guru
> is a sys adm with several years of *NIX and programming experience and
> runs the same version on his machines as well as S3Virge video card.
> When I built this machine I ordered a Diamond S3Virge3D/2D AGP/8MG
> memory. It is guaranteed to work under Linux, and is the only part I
> ordered that wasn't a 'boxed' version. The card is installed in the AGP
> port.
> We tried three different methods to install it including SuperProbe. We
> tried different monitor settings including 'custom.' Nothing worked, but
> I discovered Winblows calls it a S3Inc.Trio 3D/2X. Linux calls it a
> S3Trio3D/2X PCI. I was told it was a Virge 3D/2D -not 2X- with the S3
> chip from Diamond. The CD-ROM I received is a Diamond Speedstar A55.
> I've seen several threads about video cards and a recent one about SiS
> chip and I don't mean to confuse the issue but I have a couple of
> questions.
> My Tyan 1590 board has the SiS chip. Would this have any effect on the
> video card? Secondly, what do I have and what should I do about it?
> My inclination is to send it back and get the correct card. If this
> isn't what I should use with "Air", what should I order? I do have a
> AOPEN S3Virge PCI that does run under L-M very nicely, but it only has
> 2mg memory.
> All comments will be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Pj

Diamond is probably the WORST of all companies to get any
information from to write a driver.

I have an old Stealth 2000 which uses the S3 Virge/GX.  I have
installed successfully with several other cards using that

Not so with the Diamond.

Your 1590 board has an SiS Chipset for system resources, like
cache management, PCI to ISA Bridge, Bus arbitration, and the
like.  That is not an SiS Video Chipset, though some newer SiS
Chipsets are made with video and audio built-in.  This is
strictly a problem with Diamond's need to be different and its
need to be secretive.

Send the board back by all means, and get any Trident or S3 or
ATI implementation from someone else.  Just make sure it is the
retail boxed version.  Don't mess with OEM stuff unless you want
to learn a LOT in a very short while.

Question, though.  Dis this board work with Venus?  If so, it may
be possible to restore operation by secondary means.  The
secondary means are to go into /etc/X11/XF86Config and remove
every modeline that has a resolution you don't want, then to add
options to the Devices section like "noaccel" "linear" and so on
until you find a combination that works.  It is more like
plumbing than like science to do it this way, but I have had some
startling results with it.  (not with the Stealth card, though).

Everything I have tried with ATI seems to work.  Trident does
with "noaccel" and other tweaks.  Even the infamous SiS6326 seems
to work well under Air.  


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