Hans Schneidhofer wrote:
> should know, how can I give a command for making a backup from directory
> /home/foo to /home/foo/hans and how can I restore a backup with mt-st

mt is command for controlling your streamer, not backing up! It allows
you to do rewind, stop, go to beginning of tape etc...

For backup you could do let's say:

use mt to rewind tape to start
do tar czvf backup.tgz /dev/st0 or whatever is the device fot SCSI

I suggest you to read the Backup HOWTO or better: Use backup program
like: taper, BRU, Arkeia...

Bye, Alen
*    E-Mail: Alen Salamun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    *
*       LiNUX - The choice of GNU Generation!       *

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