Well, yes and no.
There is a 1 : 1 relationship of partitions to mountpoints

So you can do something *like* this, but only by the use of symbolic

However, as Mr. Shirley already pointed out, you really can't put /etc
on a seperate mount point anyway; you need /etc to mount the directories
in the first place, so it *must* be on the root (/) partition.  /etc is
rather small anyway; there's really no reason to move it anyway.

But if you wanted to put, say /home and /usr in the same partition, but
not the same partition as /, then what you'd do is to put one of them
(I'd use /usr!) into the /etc/fstab in the usual way, and then move the
/home directory to /usr and symbolically link them:

        mv /home /usr/home
        ln -s /usr/home /home

Lane Lester wrote:
> If you're an expert you'll probably think this is a newbie question.
> <g>. I've looked at a bunch of man pages, howtos, and Web sites without
> finding the answer... which may be the answer!
> Can you put two "low-level" directories in the same partition? For
> example, can I have / in one partition and both /etc and /usr in one
> separate partition?  If so, what goes in fstab?
> --
> Lane
> ____
> Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
> Using Linux to get where I want to go...

"Brian, the man from babble-on"              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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