Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SWS wrote:
> I just installed Mandrake 7 yesterday. I cant get pppd to work. It states
> something like "The remote computer is requested to authenicate itself
> I however am unable to supply [secret] password to get an IP address"
> something like this. This does not change whether I am Root, or user.
> Actually if from a terminal window I type "pppd" I get the same response.
> I installed as low security, tried to change to medium security, no difference
> I setup ppp from within linuxconf, and entered a name and "secret"
> password to no avail I usually use kppp. I have changed permissions on
> pppd, no good. The modem dials out and makes a connection, then
> pppd died unexpectedly.
> Second, I have managed to crash my X. I get an errno 111, something
> about TransSocket error, cant find font "fixed".
> Is there a way to fix this??
> I recieved the disc with my purchase of Maximum Linux magazine
> (Real good I might add)
> Brian D. Klar - CVE
> (937)257-5773
> 937-973-3125 (Pager)

Try this

in /etc/ppp/options



The remote server is being required to authenticate itself, and
of course it can't because it isnt set up for it and there is no
secrets file on your machine even if it were.

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