Hi all !

Since I deleted the buggy linuxconf and don't want to use webmin 
or any other GUI interface I have some questions.
1.) which config file should I edit if I want that all new users go to 
the librarians group and create a home directory under for them 

2.) If a user is a member of two different groups, like librarians and 
readers (the librarian is the primary/initial group) and creates a text 
file and the permissions of the file set to 660 will the members of 
the readers able to read and modify this file ?

3.) If I have a user and he has his own group but I want to change 
his group to librarians what should I do ? I tried the usermod -g 
librarians user_name  but all of his files and subdirs has the same  
owner and group as before (username:username, not 

"If you love somebody set them free..."
Sting is GPL fan :-))
A hivatalos magyar KDE oldal : www.kde.hu

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