On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> But then how come I have telnetd but don't have telnet-server?
Listen closely as I repeat myself: THE TELNET SERVER IS A
SEPARATE PACKAGE!!!! Just because you have "telnetd" does
NOT mean you have telnet-server installed! That is a
SEPARATE PACKAGE FROM TELNET!!!  Apparently, Mandrake, in
their infinite wisdom saw fit to split up the telnet client
from the server. IMNSHO, this was a GOOD thing. 

However, it means that some people can't / won't listen
when you tell them that "telnet" and "telnet server" are
separate pacakages, and to allow people to telnet IN (a
VERY bad idea in this age of wannabe hackers with hacker
scripts) you MUST install BOTH packages. Mandrake, AFAICT,
does NOT install telnet-server under any install. That
means you have to go install it manually. Apparently (my
guess) they are so concerned about the security hole that
telnet leaves open that they don't include that package in
ANY config. They don't even give you the option (AFAIK) of
selecting it when you say "install everything."

IMNSHO, this is a GOOD thing, despite some people who can't
understand the difference between "telnet" and

If you REALLY want to give people access to your machine
from outside, disallow telnet and require them to get an
SSH client. There are several clients for Windows and you
can download and install an RPM of ssh or ssh2 for Linux.

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