Thanks for your advice, Bill.

I have followed what you wrote, but still it doesn't work.  I
included the SCSI optinos in the kernel (not as modules), but I am
getting "unresolved symbol" errors in "/lib/aic7xxx.o", after I am
told that linux is Loading the module.  Finally the kernel panics,
being "Unable to mount root fs" - which is understandable if it can't
load the SCSI driver.


Bill Shirley wrote:
> First, edit your /usr/src/linux/Makefile and change:
>     to
> Optional step:
> ADD a new image section to lilo so you can boot the old kernel if needed:
> Edit /etc/lilo.conf and add a section just like the one label=linux:
> image = /boot/vmlinuz.old        <== change this part
>    label = oldlinux              <== changes this part
>    root = /dev/sda1              <== leave this part like other image
> section
> If you need to boot the old kernel, at boot time after LILO prompt, press
> tab and type "oldlinux"
> End of optional step.
> To build a new kernel, as root, type:
> cd /usr/src/linux
> make menu
>    OR
> make menuconfig            ; easier
>    OR
> make xconfig               ; for using under X
> Configure the options.  Because you are booting from SCSI disks, MAKE SURE
> the SCSI low level drivers and SCSI disks options are part of the kernel and
> NOT modules (also set the SMP options).
> Then type:
> make dep
> make bzlilo
> make modules
> make modules_install
> Then reboot.
> You will still get unresolved symbols on some modules.  To stop this, remove
> all .o files in all subdirectories under /usr/lib/2.2.14-15mdk before you
> make modules_install. (They will be put back by the make modules_install
> command).
> Hope this helps,
> Bill
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Brian Schroeder
> Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 2:08 AM
> Subject: [expert] Installing SMP Kernel
> I probably qualify as a newbie here.  I have installed Mandrake 7.02
> onto a dual pentium 166.  To my surprise the install process chose to
> install the non-smp version of the kernel - without giving me an option
> either.
> I have tried installing the smp kernel rpm (I did an rpm -ivh, changed
> the file links in /boot and ran lilo), but when I try to boot, it
> complains that the modules were built for a different kernel (ie. the
> non-smp version).
> So I tried to build a custom kernel.  This is my first time doing this,
> and I followed the instructions as closely as possible.  Although I
> didn't notice any particular problems with the compile, when I eventually
> got to the reboot it failed to boot with complaints about problems with
> various modules (particularly the SCSI driver modules - since all disks
> are SCSI).  I have since restored the original kernel and have it running
> again, but I think the errors were along the lines of unresolved symbols,
> or other linker/loader type errors.
> Has anyone got any suggestions as to what I have done wrong, and what I
> should do?
> (As an interesting corollary:  When I installed onto a single-CPU PIII,
> it was the smp kernel that was installed!)
> Brian.
        Brian Schroeder              |
 ,-_|\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]           |      
/     \  Origin Energy Resources Ltd |        Anyone can hate,
\_,-*_/  Adelaide Australia          |      but it costs to love. 
     v   GPO Box 2576 Adelaide 5001  |            
        PH +61 8 8217 5782           |

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