"Bruce E. Harris" wrote:
> Ok, I know I just pulled a pin on this gernade, but please hear me out, and pse
> no flames.
> I am trying to learn how MTAs work, and it seems to me Sendmail would be the
> best choice since is it everywhere. I want to develop a marketable skill for
> when I retire from the USAF in a little over a year.
> I have Postfix installed by default on Mandrake 7.0, and close to getting it
> working, but I wonder should I dump it and spend my time on Sendmail
> since it is so popular, and many local friend (sysadmins) who can and will help
> me with Sendmail but have no knowledge of Postfix or Qmail.

If you're in it to learn, take some time and get familiar with
Sendmail.  It's not the easiest mailer to understand or configure, but
it's a powerful bugger.

If you need to get something up and running quickly, I'd (personally) go
with Qmail.  I've setup a few of them and can probably do it in about
ten minutes from source to fully configured mail server.  Add a few
extra tools and you've got a web-based management interface for virtual
domains, users, mailing lists, autoresponders, aliases and all the
rest.  It's what we use and have found it to be a great solution (even
for my non-command-line literate coworker -- thus the web interface).

I haven't played with Postfix, but I've seen a few messages on this list
from others who do.  I'd be interested in knowing how they like working
with it.

Steve Philp, MCSE/MCP+I
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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