Then where is all the mail?

I run sendmail because postfix would not tell me where
I could find the mails at.----------- oops.

On Sat, 06 May 2000, you wrote:
> It seems for me that postfix is the most robust on queue management
> among the three you mentioned. qmail is apt to be blocked when the
> load is heavy and many destinations are suffering from network
> problems. The queue management of qmail seems to be naive on heavy
> load.
> And sendmail is resource hog when the server has large user
> base. postfix and qmail are more conservative.
> SP> I haven't played with Postfix, but I've seen a few messages on this list
> SP> from others who do.  I'd be interested in knowing how they like working
> SP> with it.
> -- 
>   lark

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