I don't know how to fix your problem, but I do know that it ISN'T the
bootable flag. My bootable partition is hda3, which is Win98 (was, actually -
Win98 corrupted itself and I haven't bothered to fix it). My /boot is hda5,
which is NOT flagged bootable.
The one time I had your problem, I just booted from a floppy and ran lilo.
That fixed it. YMMV.

<I'm just here to hear from the experts, I'm not one myself>

--- Ken Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have Mandrake 7.0 installed and have to use a boot disk.  Lilo stops with
> "LI".  I ran fdisk and it shows /dev/hda3 to be the bootable partition, but
> /boot is on /dev/hda1.  Can someone tell me how to flag hda1 as bootable
> without messing up my installation?
> -- 
> Kenneth Archer + San Antonio, Texas
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ #24980801
> Powered by Linux ++ Mailed by Kmail

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