Luis Henriques wrote:

> This is now the 5th time I send this message.. What's going on, why doesn't
> my message get posted in the expert digest ?!?!?!
> Hi, is it just me or is there some documentation somewhere that explains in
> DETAIL what each of the various security levels in Mandrake actually  do ?!
> - There appears to be no help with description in the install procedure
> - Using locate in the shell to look for "paranoid, security" and other
> words doesn't seem to turn up anything.
> - Using the search engine on Mandrake's web page for unique words like
> "paranoid" turns up zip, nada!
> - Google can't find anything either
> - Nobody on IRC seems to know
> - Nobody seems to be asking this question in newsgroups (i searched
> I'm not a hard core programmer to go digging through source to figure out
> what the various levels are actually doing. Please point me to some
> detailed description.  If there is one, it sure as heck should be more
> obvious!! I saw dozens of posts on newsgroups and IRC channels of people
> selecting paranoid and then not being able to login as root !
> Thanks in advance,
> Luis.


Paranoid is security level 5


BETA-testing Netscape 6
and its mailer

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