On 31 May, Charles Curley wrote:
> ->    Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
> -> /dev/hda1             1       277   2094088+   6  FAT16
> -> /dev/hda2           278       556   2109240    5  Extended
> -> /dev/hda3   *       557       563     52920   83  Linux
> -> /dev/hda4           564      1268   5329800   83  Linux
> -> /dev/hda5           278       556   2109208+   7  HPFS/NTFS
> -> 
> Other, your partition table is royally clobbered. 

Kinda figgered that...

> hda1-4 should be either primary or extended partitions. Logical partitions
> should be hda5 and up. Notice the cylinders of hda5: it occupies the same
> space on the drive as hda2. You have a primary partition, hda1, and two
> extended partitions that overlap, then two more primary partitions. One of
> the extended partitions is not numbered correctly and should not even
> exist.

Hmmm... I don't understand. Only the 2nd partition is supposed to be
extended. That's an NT (or FAT?) partition. It was created (or at least
modified) with Partition Magic.

> You should immediately abandon and never use again whatever program you
> used to partition this drive.

The first two partitions were created with PM and 3-5 were (suposed to be)
created by the Mandrake install process. So you're saying I should... No, I
don't think you are. :-) I have to think about what I'm gonna do about this.

> Here is what I have on a similar hard drive:


> Check the cylinders for the various partitions and you will see that the
> logical partitions hda5-hda9 all fit within the extended partition hda2,
> which is as it should be. I partitioned this drive manually with Linux'
> fdisk, and it enforces the partition numbers for logical and extended and
> primary partitions.

Hmmm... indeed. Hmmm...

>    Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks    Id  System
> /dev/hda1             1       277   2094088+    6  FAT16
> /dev/hda2           278      1268   ???????     5  Extended
> /dev/hda5   *       557       563     52920    82  Linux native
> /dev/hda6           564       ??? size to suit 83  Linux swap
> /dev/hda7           ???      1268    ??????    82  Linux native
> You could probably make hda5 smaller; I usually use about 16 MB for my
> /boot partitions.
> Then you get to re-install Linux.

Well, reinstalling isn't a problem. It's reconfiguring that's a b*tch.

> Ideally, do a total backup before you do this so you can restore
> afterwards. Short of that, back up /home, /root and /etc, so you can
> restore those when you are done, and have most of your setup.

That's probably what I'll have to do. I'll maybe reinstall the whole thing
over the weekend. *Sigh*.



Laurent Duperval                   "Montreal winters are an intelligence test,
U|Force - Java Center                     and we who are here have failed it."
Phone: (514) 282-8484 ext. 228                                   -Doug Camilli
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