Submitted 31-May-00 by Espen Knut Trydal:
| Hello all,
| I've got a dependency problem while installing sawfish-0.27.2-1mdk.i586.rpm
| This is the error message I get:
| ***************************************************************************
| rpmerror: failed dependencies:
|  /usr/sbin/install-menu is needed by sawfish-0.27.2-1mdk
| ***************************************************************************
| What kind of package is that???????
| Thanks in advance

It's not a package.  There are two different ways of defining things
that an RPM needs:

First is Requires.  These are packages or virtual packages (set by

Second is Prereq.  These prerequisites aren't for a specific package,
but for a specific file.

My guess is that you are trying to install the shiny new sawfish on a
7.0 or earlier system without the new menu system.

[anton@bladehawke anton]$ rpm -qf /usr/sbin/install-menu

Grab the menu rpm from cooker :p

      ( )   *    Anton Graham
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