Jesse....I haven't found any rpms for the newest release of
gaim either, but here's an alternative for you.  

As root I put he below file in my /opt directory and executed
it.  I then removed it from the /opt directory and stored it. 
In the resulting /opt/aim directory there is a executable
script file called aim.  As a user you can link a desktop,
panel, or menu icon to that aim file and a java version of
AOL's aim client will launch on your desktop when you click
that icon.  

To remove the whole thing if you don't like it, just delete
the /opt/aim directory and any linked icons you've made.


Jesse McDonnell wrote:
> Hi!
> Anyone know where there are rpms or binaries of gaim 0.9.17? I didn't take
> it personally....but I had *just* set up my daughter to run linux when
> AOL's servers began giving No configuration errors to gaim users!
> Jesse McDonnell

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