On Fri, 2 Jun 2000, Civileme wrote:

> "Alan N." wrote:
> > 
> > Jesse McDonnell wrote:
> > >
> > > On Fri, 2 Jun 2000, John Kofinas wrote:
> > >
> > > > > AOL's servers began giving No configuration errors to gaim users!
> Source tarball of 0.9.18  (right--18) is at www.marko.net/gaim
> You DL it to your home directory, raise a terminal and 
> $ su
> Password: (root password)
> # tar xvzf gaim-0.9.18.tar.gz
> # cd gaim-0.9.18
> # ./configure
> # make
> # make install
> # make clean
> # exit
> $ gaim
> And you are OFFF and running.  

There's an rpm of 0.9.17 available also at the site and it does solve the
No Configuration problem.

Thanks for all the input.

Jesse McDonnell 

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