On Sun, 04 (06/00) at 18:44 +0000, Fran Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Isn't running netscape as root dangerous?
> Bambi

Isn't running Netscape at all dangerous? ;)


> "Michael E. Shea" wrote:
> > Alex V Flinsch wrote:
> >
> > > On Sun, 04 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> > > > I am trying to get dynamip (www.dynamip.com) to work with my linux box
> > > > and cable modem connection. Dynamip gives you a
> > > > "subdomain.dynamip.com" address for $3 buck a month. To get their
> > > > service to work with Linux, I will have to use cron to force netscape
> > > > to open a specific url every 15 minutes. I am in the process of
> > > > putting together some scripts to do just that.
> > > >
> > > > As a test, I did the following.
> > > > I made a file called "netscapetab" with the contents:
> > > >
> > > > #Start of netscapetab
> > > >
> > > >        #! /bin/sh
> > > >
> > > >        netscape  -noraise -remote 'openurl(http://www.news.com)'
> > > >
> > > > #End of netscapetab
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > I did a "chkmod +x netscapetab" to make the script executable. Run
> > > > from the shell, this script will find the first open netscape window
> > > > and load up the News.com web site.
> > > >
> > > > As a test of cron I modified my crontab as follows
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > #Start of crontab
> > > >
> > > >    SHELL=/bin/bash
> > > >    PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
> > > >    MAILTO=root
> > > >    HOME=/
> > > >
> > > >    # run-parts
> > > >    01  * * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.hourly
> > > >    02  4 * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.daily
> > > >    22  4 * * 0 root run-parts /etc/cron.weekly
> > > >    42  4 1 * * root run-parts /etc/cron.monthly
> > > >    */1 * * * * root /usr/bin/netscapetab
> > > >
> > > >    # Mandrake-Security : if you remove this comment, remove the next line too.
> > > >    0   0 * * *    root    /etc/security/msec/cron-sh/security.sh
> > > >
> > > > #End of crontab
> > > >
> > > > Now /var/log/cron shows /usr/bin/netscapetab running every minute. But my
> > > > browser window does not open News.com.
> > > >
> > > > Any ideas.
> > >
> > > idea 1  --
> > >
> > > your script is running as root, your open netscape window isn't, and
> > > can't be found
> > >
> > > idea 2 --
> > >
> > > do you really need to waste all that memory running netscape to get
> > > the url? From the above, you just need to hit some website every few minutes to
> > > have your dynamic ip assignment working. And I assume that news.com is not the
> >
> > > real website that you need to hit, it's probablly something on dynamip.com. Why
> > > not try something like
> > >
> > > wget -O /dev/null http://www.news.com
> > >
> > > in your crontab instead?
> > >
> > >  --
> > > Alex
> > > (Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)
> >
> > Idea 1 is not the problem, as I ran netscape as root. But idea 2 I really like. I
> > did not know about the wget program.  I am going to give that a try.
---end quoted text---

Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.mandrakeuser.org/
"Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking-eyes"
All advice provided without warranty of any kind. I *may* be wrong ...

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