>>>>> On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, "Kikta" == Kikta LCpl Jason M wrote:

  Kikta> I have two questions. First, where can I get a good driver
  Kikta> for a HP LJ 8000 and a HP LJ 4050T? I can't seem to find
  Kikta> them on the HP website.  

no idea.

  Kitta> Second, my organization uses MS
  Kikta> Outlook (unfortunately). Is there a client available that will
  Kikta> allow me to access my mail with minimal loss of Outlook's
  Kikta> functionality? Thanks.

Try to reach the Outlook server using IMAP :

telnet hostname 143

if you get the IMAP headers, it means they run it with IMAP service enabled.
Then, configure fetchmail to get your mail from it or us any other IMAP-enabled
client from Linux.

You will miss the calendaring stuff, but the mail will work.

Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson says : Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus
Charles Bueche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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