We do have the web access. However, Netscape isn't always stable with it and
I lose some functionality. Thanks.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brian T. Schellenberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 16 Jun, 2000 01:53
Subject: Re: [expert] HP drivers/Outlook

Kikta LCpl Jason M wrote:
>         I have two questions. First, where can I get a good driver for a
> LJ 8000 and a HP LJ 4050T? I can't seem to find them on the HP website.
> Second, my organization uses MS Outlook (unfortunately). Is there a client
> available that will allow me to access my mail with minimal loss of
> Outlook's functionality? Thanks.
> Jason

Also, if your employer has it set up, the Microsoft Outlook Web Access
is really nice, and runs just great under Netscape.  Your employer
would, however, have to have a server set up. It's worth looking into,

(Ironically, it doesn't work as well under IE; I guess they figured if
you have IE you probably have Outlook, or something.)

"Brian, the man from babble-on"              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brian T. Schellenberger                      http://www.babbleon.org
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