This one sounds more like a hardware problem than a software problem.  Try 
looking to see if there are controls for horz and vert on the back of 
it.  A lot of older monitors had them externally.  The newer ones do it 
from a superimposed control panel.  If you can't find any, you could if you 
are brave enough and willing to risk a 20,000 volt arc start playing around 
with the controls on the back of the tube but I wouldn't recommend 
it.  However a mister fix it in one of these small used computer parts 
stores might be able to do it for you.  It really sounds like the guns are 
out of alignment and not exciting the full screen area.


At 12:33 AM 6/20/00, you wrote:

> > I picked up an old Zenith monitor (model ZCM1492BA1).
> > It does not list in Xconfigurator and so I am having
> > a hard time getting it right.  I used an 8514 monitor
> > at 640x480, but I still can't see part of the top and
> > bottom of the X-windows.  Even though an 800x640 test
> > passes, it gets reset to 640x480.  The on-board
> > video card is a Sis620 8MB (I set to 2 or 4 for testing).
> >
> > Anyone know the scan frequencies for this monitor
> > or which monitor setting will best fit it ?
> > Is there a monitor listing database on the internet ?
>I found an answer at
>Model:              ZCM1490
>Max Resolution:     Not Available
>Sync Type:          Not Available
>H Freq/ V Freq:     31.5 khz/70 hz
>Tube Manufacturer:  Not Available
>Monitor Type:       Not Available
>Tube Model:         Not Available
>Tube Size:          14"
>Connector:          Not Available
>Although I still can't see the top and bottom portion in X-windows.
>I've tried the suggestions made so far. The zenith is only VGA
>and so I tried VGA16 server with 640x480 and the problem
>remains there.  When I tried using 800x600 to fake it, it requires
>35.15 khz and therefore hung.
>Maybe I should just get another monitor :(
>I was not expecting to use X on this server when I bought it.
>And the extra costs...yada-yada...the wife...
>Thanks... Dan.

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