On Wed, Jun 21, 2000 at 04:48:25PM -0600, Daniel Woods wrote:
-> Charles,
-> > > (I need to ftp 300MB from work to home, and no cd-burner, or VPN access)
-> > > 
-> > > I've recently installed and configured a new linux machine as
-> > > a web server and firewall (connected to cable modem).
-> > > 
-> > > Using ftp and telnet from my NT used to work but now FTP can't
-> > > seem to accept commands.  Telnet and browser work with my
-> > > IP Masq set to DENY everything and ALLOW forward from local
-> > > 192.168.*  FTP does connect (from NT or LM7.1 server)
-> > > to sites and accept passwords, but it won't process commands.
-> > > WS-FTP (win) says that packets are not coming from 192.168.*
-> > > and in LM, I just get the ftp prompt with no change.
-> > > 
-> > > Is this what is meant by passive mode ?  There was no such
-> > > setting in WS-FTP, and I don't know where to look in LM.
-> > > My /etc/inetd.conf contains
-> > > #
-> > > ftp stream  tcp nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.ftpd -l -a
-> > > telnet  stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.telnetd
-> > > 
-> > > and I restrict them in /etc/hosts.allow
-> > > ftp: 192.168.1. xxx.yyy.zzz.
-> > > (xxx.* is a trusted subnet at work)
-> > > 
-> > > In my rc.firewall file, I tried adding
-> > >     # These modules are necessary to masquerade their respective services.
-> > >     /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp
-> > > 
-> > > but no change.  What do I do next ?
-> > 
-> > Two thoughts.
-> > 
-> > 1. If you are using IP masqurading, I believe the is an FTP module to
-> > install as well.
-> Is that ip_masq_ftp I described above ?

Yes, it is. Sorry, one of these days I should learn how to read.

-> > 2) Try using ncftp. Aside from the fact that you can set transfers up to
-> > runin the background, it will use passive mode if it can in the background
-> > mode.
-> Fine from linux (if it works), but I need my internal win-NT machine to
-> ftp from my work server (or anywhere else).

You may be able to get it for cygwin, or compile it on cygwin if you can't
get it already compiled. cygwin and NT Emacs are the only things that make
NT habitable.

-> Update:  I found out at work that I *can* ftp into my linux server from
-> here. So the problem is still trying to FTP from inside my home LAN and
-> server (on LAN) to the outside world.

Can you FTP from the server itself? If you can, then you probably have a
firewalling rule problem.

-> I noticed in WS-FTP Pro that there is a firewall option. Does ayone know
-> how to set that to see if that will work.
-> Thanks... Dan.


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