thanks for your suggestions; lucky the problem was right on the desktop:
/root/.xsessions-errors    size: ~1 gig
the file keeps growing, repeating the pattern below.
I tried the correct kbdmodel "microsoft" in XF86cConfig: no effect.
Does anyone know how to fix this?


the pattern :

KCharset: Wrong charset!

KCharset: Wrong charset!

KCharset: Wrong charset!

KiKbd: X11 error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)

KiKbd: X11 error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)

KiKbd: X11 error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)

PID could not get read.
PID could not get read.
KCharset: Wrong charset!

KCharset: Wrong charset!

KCharset: Wrong charset!

KCharset: Wrong charset!

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