
First, many thanks. The auto configure host name box was checked! I unchecked 

"Atlantis" is the screensaver I have enabled.  

Gimp 1.04; Gnome Panel: 1.0.55; 2.2.14-24mdk_i486 on a i586. 

When X starts I see the blue screen; the Gnome logo; enlightenment
starting; user screen; desktop icons; Gnome Help Index** window and
/home/ibi/directory open. 
**Gnome Users Guide; Error loading ghelp: users-guide not installed.   
TOC: man pages.. OK 
(Aside: I don't think I can prevent these two 'start' windows from opening,
but it sure would be nice.*)

At shut down I see the previously mentioned Gnome errors plus these comments:
xscreensaver-command: no screensaver is running on display :0.0
xscreensaver disabling server builtin screensaver
xscreensaver: you can re-enable it with "xset s on." 

rm: cannot remove /home/ibi/.gnome //gmc-(this number changes each time) 

This is how I create the Gimp lockup: 
1-open Gimp
2-select: new
3-select: default window size
4-select color: red
5-select: alphabet tool. Drop down menu appears with area to type text
6-Type text: "Test" 
7-Select first font and preview. Do not select font. 
8-Repeat font selection and preview. Do not select font. 
9-Select fifth font. *No preview.* Gimp Locks up. 


At 09:15 AM 6/25/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Submitted 24-Jun-00 by Pj:
>This I cannot reproduce in GIMP 1.1.22.  Could you provide your
>version number so that I can try with that version?
>> I am not completely familiar with the boot process. I see a comment
>> that X number of blocks were cleaned..followed by a statement that
>> /dev/hdb1 reached maximal mount count, check forced..I watch the
>> percent process. It finishes with the statement that .01% is non
>> contiguous. The login finishes in a normal manner
>Okay, this is normal behavior.  Essentially Linux keeps track of how
>many times a particular partition has been mounted and forces an fsck
>at boot time if the number of mounts exceeds a certain number :)  The
>message just tells you the result of that check.
>> Kppp is configured for server assigned addresses. I have two ISP's. I've
>> never had the *reset* problem before, if this is a *normal function* that
>> is all I need to know.  
>Alright, go into the setup menu for kppp, select one one of the
>accounts and click edit.  Select the IP tab in the new window and
>ensure that the checkbox at the bottom (Auto-configure hostname from
>this IP) is _not_ checked.
>> Everytime I log out I see many Gnome error messages. 
>Hmm...  So these errors are on your terminal screen when you close the
>X session?  If this is the case, they may be errors generated by
>applications used within GNOME.  One way to test this is to open a
>teminal and run the applications from there.  It is apparent that
>*something* is not quite right :/
>You said GNOME always starts with two windows open.  Assuming that you
>want these two windows open everytime you start GNOME, try closing all
>windows, repoen those two and logout checking the save current setup
>box.  This *may* remove any extraneous entries from your
>~/.gnome/session file.

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