   Hi it's late and I've been at this waaaay to long.  I've got a 7.1 
install running wu-ftpd2.6.0-6mdk  plus anonftp2.6.2.  I've been trying to 
get anonymous uploads to work.  I've gone completely through the man 
page.  Had two others check my work, and still uploads to annon ftp don't 
work. (My client needs it to work).  I can upload and download guest and 
real.  I can download anonymous, I just can't upload to the incoming 
directory.  (note a BSD Unix guru I know took an old ftpd.c rebuilt it and 
suddenly I had the opposite problem!)  I'm at my wits in.  in short tests 
good doesn't work.
   The only error message I get on the console is
553 testupload Permission denied on server. <Upload>

The xferlog shows only a pretty standard

Fri Jun 23 21:52:33 2000  1 (my homebox address) /home/mydir/testupload b _ 
o r james ftp 0 * c

Any suggestions?  I'm almost outa time on this one .... (and hair :-)


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