Title: KDE2
From the kde site, there is a link explaining how to run kde1 and kde2. That file
works well. It has been stated that for those people running mandrake there is a
kde1tokde2 rpm file. I never saw this file though.
-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Punchin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 5:44 PM
Subject: [expert] KDE2

A simple but important question...

How can I install KDE2 on my MDK 7.1 box?...

The readme files from kde.org are kinda outdated...

Christian M. Punchin
Servicios para Empresas
Soluciones Electrónicas Empresariales
Banco de Crédito del Perú
(  242-5900 x 6325

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