
For some reason, I am missing the digest (with possible replies) to my message, so I 
am re-sending it.

I have just spend 8 hours wrestling with trying to get PPP dial-on-demand working.  
I'll save the gory details - let's just say it's been messy.

Anyway, I have the diald package installed, and have gotten to the point where it 
correctly dials my ISP when needed, connects, and hands it the proper name and 
password.  It then passes the connection to pppd.  Pppd starts handshaking, says it 
connects with ttys2, but then gives the error:

"Peer is not authorized to use remote address xx.xx.xx.xx"

. and then it drops.  It keeps retrying, but does the same thing.  I can successfully 
connect with IFUP-PPP0, so it's not an ISP thing.  Please help!

It would also be nice to include a working version of this with the MDK distro.  I had 
to hunt long and hard to find a version that would install properly in 7.1... and then 
had to fix the broken scripts.


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