Sthitaprajna wrote:

> On 2 Jul 00, at 22:48, Sean Middleditch wrote:
> > First, how do I enable XF86 4?  I selected to install it (yes, with
> > expert installation) when it asked, but it seems that I'm running 3.3.6
> > (at least, rpm -q XFree86 reports so).  I need XF86 4 for my NVidia
> > drivers.
> Then it prolly means that X4 is not installed. Try doing it al over
> again. IIRC, XF4 has a different  path than XF3.3.6. Follow the
> readme files and you'll be up in no time.

All over again?  That's a bit ludicrous.  Especially since when it asked me
if I wanted to try XF 4, I said yes... I'll see about thatother directory
though.  Someone else said something along the same lines.  Thnaks.

> > Second, how do I configure PPP? I do NOT use KDE, and never will, so
> > please don't tell me what everyone else has: use KPPP.  The Gnome-PPP
> > that shipped with Mandrake 7.1 doesn't work (pppd dies), and the PPP
> > configuration option in Linuxconf is gone.  I had to manually edit some
> > files, which isn't something I would expect of a distro known for
> > simplicity.
> Use wvdial. It is something like windows dial-up-networking and
> understands a lot of protocols like, PAP, CHAP, etc...It is fairly
> easy to set up as well. In addition, you'll have to edit
> /etc/resolv.conf to look like:
> search [your_ISP's_domain]
> nameserver [ISP_nameserver1]
> nameserver [ISP_nameserver2]

Does wvdial come with MDK 7.1?

> pppd alos dies when it does'nt find the default route. SO check if
> those settngs are correct. If however you want to write your own ppp
> script, do a "tknarr xmission linux" search in google, and it takes
> you to a nice page where you'll find conf options for ppp, mail, etc.


> ========================================================================
>     Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Sean Middleditch

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