On Tue, 04 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> I used the Mandrake 2.2.16 upgrade for my system. There was a hicup with
> the install and I had to fix lilo.conf to reflect the kernel...old and new.
> Well, I thought I was running 2.2.14secure in the past and 2.2.16secure
> now. Wrong! My system is not setup for the secure kernel (??) and when I
> added both 2.2.14secure and 2.2.16secure in lilo, I got a kernel panic
> during reboot, saying there was a system/kernel mismatch. So, now I can not
> start Linux at all.
> I have been able to boot using an old Caldera install/boot disk (dummy me
> didnot make a proper boot disk). I can access and mount my HDD, however I
> can not edit lilo and solve this problem since I can not access any
> editors; ed or vi.
First, mount your old file system and then chroot to the place you
mounted it. That *should* allow you to edit stuff.

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