And I have the opposite problem with the VIA MVP3.. Linux doesn't work fact it barely works at all. Sooner or later I will find the root
cause, but in the meantime is sure is a frustrating standing on the outside
looking in. 


At 12:21 PM 7/3/00 -0600, you wrote:
>The ETEQ chipset is a remaned VIA Apollo MVP3. I have a cheap motherboard
>this chipset and I've had absolutely no problems with any OS, except Win99
>(yeah, me too!). Maybe there's some incompatibility between win98 and the
>In linux it works great, no problems at all.
>Matt Stegman, escribió:
>> Not exactly what you were asking for, but I thought I'd add that I have a
>> SOYO Socket 7 motherboard which uses the ETEQ chipset.  I can't find much
>> documentation on it anywhere, but I've never had a problem with it.  It
>> works spectacularly.  Mine supports PC100 SDRAM, AGP2x, and runs an AMD
>> 300MHz CPU on a 100MHz FSB.  It was definitely cheaper than Intel
>> solutions (that's why I bought it) and it has turned out to work great in
>> every OS I've tried (with the sole exception of Windows 98).  It runs
>> NT 4.0, Windows 95, Linux, and BeOS.  I didn't try very hard to track down
>> my Win98 problem; that may or may not be related to the motherboard.  With
>> any other OS, I didn't have to jump through any hoops at all to get things
>> to work.
>> -Matt Stegman
>*Guillermo Belli        -        Linux User #121340*
>*                 ICQ #38321312                    *
>* (en construccion)*

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