Jarmo wrote:

> Hi
> Just curious trying webmin,when saw couple of messages
> of it.
> Tried to connect http://localhost:10000,but got answer file
> does not exist or acces denied.
> I can see webmin running,so twisted model please..
> What I have to do to get connected...i.e do I  need add something
> to inetd.conf and services?

should ask you for a login.

So also, (if lookup is hosts, DNS) should
http://localhost.localdomain:10000, but the use of nicknames may or may
not be supported for this purpose.

And no, you should not have to add anything--if inetd is running, and
perl is running, then the webmin server should be communicating.


> running mdk7.1 kernel 2.2.17mdk ,amd 450MHz 128M ram 10.1 + 1.2G HDs
> 32x cd SB 128 pci ,realtek pci ether,ati rage pro agp,us robotix
> sportster flash 56k external modem in ttyS1.
> Also radioamateur stuff compiled and in use.
> Boy...everythig's working suberb!!!!
> Jarmo

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