Submitted 09-Jul-00 by Ivan:
> Hello.
> I am trying to install the latest version of nethack which requires the
> qt 2.1.0 or better.  When I try to install the package there is a list
> of decpenancies about three miles long that will be broken.  Most of
> then are kde apps.  They all want   After the list the core
> dumps (?) .  My question is: will it totaly mess things up if I upgrade
> with out looking for dependancies?  I would think that an upgrade should
> be backwards compatible.  There are two that need qt-egcs-10x.

Use the qt2 packages from 7.1 and/or cooker which co-exist with the
qt1 libraries needed by KDE 1.x

> Also I wonder how functional usb support for modems and zip drives are
> in 7.0.  has any one had any luck?

USB Zips work in 7.1, USB modems are generally *not* hardware modems
and as such fall into the "winmodem" category.

> If anyone cares to you could tell me what file the fsck -l looks for.  I
> think it is a secret.
> Thanks for the use of your "brainwidth"
> Ivan
      ( )   *    Anton Graham
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