Hi. I've been looking around for the answer to this little problem and
haven't fount it, so if this has been answered before just point me to
the link, ok? that's good :)

Have you tried to start xkobo on MDK7.0? it won't let you. The error
message is 

Xlib: connection to "unix:0.0" refused by server
Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
xlwin: can't open display

Yes, i know that doing a "xhost +localhost" makes it work, but the
Remote-X-Apps HOWTO mentions that xhost is vulnerable to ip-address
spoofing and similars, and mixing the xauth authentication model with
xhost is not a good idea IMHO (kinda defeats the purpose).

And the X forwarding of openssh suffers from that too: if i connect to
each other as root, i can forward connections, but not as user.

So, what shall i do about this?

"We will run this with the same kind of openness we have run Windows"
                        Steve Ballmer on their new .net service
Jaime Herazo B. at the Colegio Cristiano J. Vender Murphy

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