Hello M,

Friday, July 14, 2000, 17:09:12 zulu time, you wrote:

MT> Hi.

MT> I'm running Windows NT4 Workstation and Linux Mandrake 7.1 on the same PC.

MT> You are free to setup your PC as you please, but here is my setup scheme:
MT> 1) I installed NT4 to partition hde1
MT> 2) I used partition magic 5.0 and setup my linux partitions
MT> 3) I installed BootMagic 2.0 (comes with PM5)
MT> 4) I installed Linux Mandrake 7.1 and intalled lilo/grub to the linux 
MT> partition
MT> 5) I modified BootMagic to boot LM7.1

MT> Hope that helps,
MT> Matt
        Boot Magic requires DOS partition though, not going to be
        installed on NTFS

Best regards,
 Yuri                 http://linukh.bizland.com

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