On Wed, Jul 12, 2000 at 08:18 -0600, Charles Curley wrote:
> If enough people ask before buying if a product is supported by Linux,
> eventually the stores will catch on, and start keeping notes on which ones
> are and which are not. 

In most large stores in Germany there are still employees who
have heard the word Linux but do not know anything about it.

> Similarly, if enough people return products saying,
> sorry, I couldn't get this to work with Linux, the manufacturers will get
> the hint and see to it that their products do work with Linux.

When you buy something in a store in Germany you can only give
it back if the product is broken or does not work as promised in

In Germany the customer has no right to return a product which
works as the text on the wrap says. On the carton it says only
things about Windows and sometimes about Mac. So we cannot turn
back products to the shop just because they do not run under
It's different when you ask before buying and the store says
"Yes it will run under Linux". But he will not say that because
he doesn't know.

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