    What kind of problems are you having? I have found 7.1 to be a nice
experience so far. The applications and the installation are much more
cohesive and organized than any previous version. Infact, out of the box, 7.1
required less time and customization than any dist. I have used. I am sorry
that your experience hasn't been as joyous, but for me 7.1 has just
exemplified all the reasons that  Mandrake is the dist of choice for me and
our LUG.

Sarang Lakare wrote:

> this is really rediculous.. I hate mandrake for 7.1.. I had fallen in love
> with Mandrake with their 7.0 release.. and 7.1 is really crappy when it
> comes to installation.. there are things that don't work and machines that
> run perfectly with 7.0 but don't install/run 7.1.. and there is that crappy
> upgrade to 7.1 which takes a whole day to upgrade!
> wake up mandrake b4 u loose u're loyal followers... don't give out a beta
> product.
> -sarang

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