On July 21, 2000 you said...

"Of course it is frustrating when the configuration you have does not work
out of the box, but this used to be a rule--30 minutes installing and 5
weeks hacking on the configuration."..........snip........

If someone had warnned me to expect, or, at least not be disappointed if I
experienced installation and hardware problems I would not have been
expecting a no-brainer install, and I would not have been overly frustrated
at the resulting mess I made for myself. However, everything I read
previously was written by guru's and experts who know how to tweak Linux.
Every article said the same thing: Linux is easy to install and easy to
blah, blah, blah. 

Compared to Unix in terms of actual age Mandrake is still in the womb but
it gets stronger and bolder and improves with every new release. Perhaps
now MDK needs to include a statement explaining we aren't perfect, but
written in such a way that it does not deter a newbie from trying our GUI.
We need to proclaim our Mandrake Expert list is the best and is where the
answers to perplexing questions are found.   



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